What Are The Benefits Of Martial Arts For Children?

Martial arts are discipline and a sport. The practice also has many benefits for people from all walks of life—including children. The practice combines benefits spanning physical, social and mental attributes of our lives, so much that a child can essentially gain a stronger understanding of all three. The martial arts can help children mentally and physically prepare themselves for adulthood and gain a significant amount of confidence along the way.

The main benefits of martial arts essentially encompass life skills, which includes:

·         Confidence and personal security
·         Self-esteem
·         Having respect for others
·         Self-control

The martial arts also help children strengthen their learning abilities. The practice provides them with a significant amount of disciplinary learning techniques that teach them concepts like goal setting and concentration. Martial arts for children also provides them a way to improve their physical fitness too.

Some parents think martial arts may be too violent or inappropriate for young children, though it's more myth than truth nowadays. Many childcare experts commonly recommend martial arts for young boys and girls as a valuable extracurricular activity. In fact, martial arts also has benefits for children suffering from mental disorders.

Parents with children who have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD have reported their children gaining better self-control and concentration skills, thanks to regular martial arts classes. These two life skills are usually underdeveloped in ADHD children, which makes martial arts rather valuable to them for early development.

Most children generally get enrolled in martial arts programs featuring practices like aikido, kung fu and karate. The usual martial arts class runs for around an hour long, some extending their class time longer on weekends. The class typically starts with a bow and ends with a bow to their teacher or master.

During a martial arts class, students warm-up and start practicing basic skills of their selected art, which may include kicks, punches and blocks. Although just warm-up, it requires a significant amount of attention and concentration.

A notable component of martial arts is their belt progression system. Beginners start with a basic white belt before moving through the ranks of many other colors before finally attaining a black belt. The testing process for every new level happens after a three month period, providing children a great way to practice setting and eventually achieving their long-term goals. Parents interested in enrolling their children into martial arts classes can start once their child reaches the age of four through six. Around this age, most children have the muscle strength to control their movements.
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